Thursday, July 2, 2009

It is already July!!!

So this summer has been quiet a ride. Dustin started roping in some local rodeos and has placed in both, wooohoo!

I just returned from Florida visiting my sister Ashlei and her husband David. We had a great time! The beach was beautiful, white sand and blue water-ahhhhhh. I enjoyed the view and weather and just some good ol relaxing with the Fam. I can't believe it is already July!
I have absolutely loved my summer bible study by three great authors, Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. Like always, God has had something to say to me specifically each week. I am looking forward to so many new opportunities ahead for me. Dance, work, church and more...
Something else I love is So You Think You Can Dance--I enjoy watching the choreography but the part I love most is how they have brought High Art and Low Art together and just DANCE period for the rest of the world to appreciate!!!!!


  1. Mamasita!!! Did you watch SYTYCD last night?!?! It was some good dancin!!!
    Glad you're blogging! Miss you much mama!!!

  2. Yes I did, is there a way to make this thing give me a notification when someone posts a comment?
